
During the war between the Black Crest Dragon clan and the Red Fire Dragon clan. Yoshimoto Haruko, the new Shogun of the Black Crest Dragon clan, has killed the family of the Shogun of the Red Fire Dragon clan with his army of ninjas and samurai. Except for one of the sons of the Shogun Kobayashi. Kobayashi Kazumi, a samurai who was prophesized to rule the Red Fire Dragon clan as Shogun after his father. Yoshimoto has taken over the castle of Kobayashi's family in the town of Yuzumaki, Japan. When Kobayashi receives news of his family's tragedy, he is angered. He knows he must fight his way to Yoshimoto and kill him and anyone that gets in his way to take back his family's castle and get redemption for his family and town. 


Kobayashi's Redemption takes place in circa 1800's Japan in the town Yuzumaki inside the Red Fire Dragon castle.  The castle is made out of red stone and wood. The castle is 100 feet tall and the place where all the samurai warriors and the Kazumi family live.  The castle is not the same, though, because of the Black Crest Dragon clan's invasion. The castle is damaged and filled with ninja and samurai warriors of the Black Crest Dragons on each floor. At the top of the castle is the Shogun Yoshimoto. The technology of this era consists of swords, ninja stars, health potions, and fireballs. 


The player is trying to reach each level's end to progress closer to the final boss fight at the top of the castle. The player wins the game when they defeat the boss on the final level of the game. All players will have the same ability to win the game. In each level, the player will have choices to explore parts of the level. If the player decides to explore, they may find secret areas that will give them item pick-ups that could be health, fireballs, and special sword attack. Beware as multiple enemies may guard these areas. These pick-ups will go into an inventory for the player and help the player regain lost health or use an ability to do more damage to an enemy than they would do with their normal attack. Every level will have enemies and obstacles the player will have to navigate to reach the end and progress to the next level. 

This game will be showcased and playable during the Florida Poly Game Expo on April 23rd.  I would appreciate any votes for my game during the expo. 

Watch the Florida Poly Game Expo here:

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